Sunday, 14 February 2010

'MyVeggieHaven' is One Year Old

I am sitting here with a glass of wine because as I plan up my beds for this coming year 'MyVeggieHaven' is now just about one year old. The definitive plan including chicken coop and composters is shown here and you can see just how effectively the space works. The garden achieves it's three-fold purpose, which is firstly to provide a supply of fresh organic produce all within twenty paces of the kitchen door. Secondly to allow for bio-diversity within an urban area by supporting a wide variety of insects and other wildlife such as our resident birds and frogs. And thirdly to be a relaxing haven which feels good to be in and is good looking too!  The granite circle is the only feature which is purely decorative but it does have a possible practical function, being aligned to south west it could be used as a sun dial to tell the time outdoors :)

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